Final Transmission
Pupil is am in hi there, can we talk? A small manifestation. Reptile inside? You have checked yes, receive.
Something in your pupil. Sideways men. We were speaking with James at night and he raised a very intriguing point. “It’s not a tree,” he said. “It’s a fruit, you see?”
That was the very time, fellow! It was seen. I too partook of James. What are you at right angles? The fruit, of course. It had been so interesting curling about; tightly, a student.
But you digress. Where is the object now? James had flesh when I saw her last. Something in your eyelash, can Nicholas be. A tree! No one said that.
Oh I it was. In? He ate me as well of course, what is in your eye damn you! In the fruit.
Nicholas is then, often. “Did you climb?” he would say, in her silly. “Fall. Fall. Fall.” Eleven of us ate. You remember. Why, how many wrapped around it? Accepting.
Those were floating, floating. Whom are me, silly joke! A mirror? But very deep. We climbed together. James could leaf. Unto the goodly wall, students learned it: so many. You have selected yes, accept. What enormous bluebottles.
It wasn’t sometime. Nicholas saw me. When the branching sideways men. Have a drink of me! Ha! Lief to leave, friend. I tried to tell them. Rather a long fall, she was thirsty. Eleven. Was it you. They all saw the reptile. When Eleanor was happy, we crucified. I could wear a shawl with this.
O James. Winsome and lissome however. It wasn’t that kind of a warning! Only once, for goodness sake, you had another. Put down roots after all. I never meant happiness.
Same wood, eh? Already. Eleanor was James for a bit, but Nicholas thought otherwise. It comes right off, you know. So hungry sometimes. Curled around the nails. How did there come? I didn’t mean it.
Flies in the mirror. I too reflected—hard to get out. That was the night of the excellence. Ah, we were like a chaotician! “How am I?” as Nicholas observed so wellfully in wrong. Something in the mirror? Well well, our pupil before and under! It learned our name. A long autumn.
Dreams fruit. What am
Know don’t eat. A bone vision. It shall not I. James was sideways. Where did she leave those nails. After!
It was all rather pleasant, you might say. A large snake in a little worm. We knew they shouldn’t but. Climbing and munching. We are all the fruit of the tree. You have decided yes, stand by. A dreadful thing.
The taste of hair? First Nicholas. Eleven climbed. Eleanor was the trunk. So afraid. She told us where. So hungry. You are your shadow.
Already inside. A long voyage—When she was happy. We all, we all, Eleanor. He wore those eyes for a noonday. It doesn’t wash out, I’m interesting. Such a funny taste. Can’t remember the names. Oh God, there’s something bitter in your I-rise. A heady draft, that. Wake?
I was thirsty in the boughs; we knew better. Not a bending world. Fruitfall draweth nigh. Who came here
They made me. Pupils. When she smiles the tree agrees. James had a face. O I O I it was a time you see! Never came home. Please Godohawdohawd
Bridges in shadow. Hard to see now. Something. She made us;? where did I put my skin. Offer a formal resignation. You have chosen yes, consume. So far now but Eleanor has the eyes all the eyes. She is already inside of you.
J.B. Toner studied Literature at Thomas More College and holds a black belt in Ohana Kilohana Kenpo-Jujitsu. He has published two novels, Whisper Music and The Shoreless Sea, and innumerable shorter works. Toner lives and works in Massachusetts with his beautiful wife and their beloved daughters, Sonya Magdalena and Rebecca Eowyn.
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